What a true love is….

写真 1 (2)

I learned really important things since I have dated with my boyfriend.

①How to love people
②What is a true love/real relationship
③Importance of never to give up

and these are really important and what I needed to learn.
Before I was thinking about him like
“burden” or “not the one for me”.

But I was wrong.
I am so lucky to have a guy
who is super good looking (that’s what everyone says),
never cheated on me,
believes in me,
shows his love to me,
takes it easy with my anger,
sees my inside and not outside,
makes me laugh,
never gave up on me,
tries hard to have/keep me,
tries to fix and learn what I told him to,
always tries to be a best man for me,
accept all of my personalities…..

I had never had a real relationship until I dated with him.
I thought I knew what a relationship is, but actually I didn’t.

I always thought a love is something feel that you want to do something for him, live for him, or being someone with who makes you always happy.

It sounds correct, right?

But I found out that this is not enough.

写真 3 (2)

Yes, it is.

True love isn’t found, it’s built.

I was always “looking for” a true love,
but it’s wrong.

If you don’t try to build with someone you cares, you never found a true love.

I was always live
True love should feel like that you are happy while you’re with him, growing up together, geting you good influences, motivating me, and blur blur blur…

So if I couldn’t feel this way, I always tried to break up and find a another guy believing that there is the one for me.

I thought this is the right way to become happy and this is how relationships works.

But again, this is not.

I don’t even know this is right or not,
but I learned that true love is not given, but that you make.

Therefore, if you really love him in your heart, you need to try to make it work the relationship and even struggle to build it.

If you try it and couldn’t make it and you feel like it’s impossible, then that might be that he’s not a one for you.

I thought me and my boyfriend don’t have good chemistry.
I love him because I can feel that he loves me in his heart,
that he thinks I am the one for him, and put up with my bad mouth and angers, and etc.

but I was thinking I just couldn’t motivate by him, since me and his motivation for life were different. If I pushed my value for life on him, that makes him unhappy and I couldn’t take his value, either.

Therefore, I thought even we love each other, we should better find another person.

Now, I feel that is wrong.

I think I’ll never find man like him again.
I don’t even know why he’s dating with me.
I’ve ever been a popular girl, and less attract in outside, and inside is just a normal.

But he’s always the one never to give up on our relationship.
I’m like, whatta hell are you thinking?

Because he’s so nice to/chasing me, I couldn’t realize how fantastic boyfriend/person he is.
I really regret about what a mean things and thoughts I’ve done to him.

I have to say, I am super lucky to have him,
He’s such a human being, I have to say.

So I won’t give up on him.
I promise that I’ll always try to make things work with him,
because I love him.

I’m so lucky to find out what a true love is, before losing him.
And you know what?
He’s not a burden at all.
This diary is the proof; I’m learning so many important things in my life spending time with him.

Thank you soooo much for my boyfriend,
and I’m so happy to know him and became a girlfriend of him.
